Sample Opening Farming Questions

Get them to talk & they will like you!

Hello, I’m Jim and I’m a real estate professional with XYZ broker. I’m trying to learn more about this area that I want to serve, do you know if people in the neighborhood tend to stay after they retire or do they tend to move?

Why do you think that’s the case?


Whether or not to downsize or move closer to kids is a big decision, is that something you or your neighbors ever think or talk about?

So everyone pretty much stays (or leaves) huh? why do you think that’s so?

If they tend to leave find out why and why this person is staying – or are they also thinking of leaving for the same reasons?

If they tend to stay, try:

Really – how long have you lived here? So you’ve raised kids and lived your life with mostly the same neighbors, huh? What’s that like?

I’ve worked hard to understand the needs of seniors that choose to stay in their homes – have you ever heard the term “aging in place”? They say one in three seniors will fall and hurt themselves at some point during retirement – the idea is to make changes to a home to prevent accidents like (see list). Have you or your neighbors thought about these types of things?


Hello, I’m Jim from XYZ Realty. I’m here on this lovely (or lousy) day trying to share some helpful information with folks and learn a little more about the neighborhood so I can serve my clients better. The brochures I’m sharing today talk about downsizing and looking for answers to critical life situation questions. Are you folks considering downsizing or moving to a new home as part of your retirement plan?  

If no:

My other topic talks about critical life issues like making modifications to a home for aging in place, getting home health care instead of moving to an assisted living place or paying for kids living expenses while they act as caregivers. Do you know anyone or know neighbors that are dealing with these types of things in their lives?


The key is to be seen as a subject matter resource and be creative in asking questions with seniors!